Impact Turns 22!

In 2001, Impact was launched by Nick and Jules with one mission: to shake up the industry. Back in the day, the recruitment industry lacked the level of professionalism and expertise that is present in today’s market.

But we, two ambitious upstarts, burst onto the scene with boundless ideas. Our game plan? Creative branding, unwavering integrity, and a determination to embed ourselves as the key recruitment partner to the creative industry.

What a journey it has been! We’ve experienced unparalleled success and faced huge challenges. However, with one recession and a pandemic later, we’ve emerged stronger than ever.

Today, Impact proudly partners with an incredible breadth of brilliant clients, and we’ve built an expansive network of loyal candidates. Our success spans five specialities, reaching across the UK and beyond.

Yet, our most important asset remains our phenomenal team. Throughout our 22 years, they’ve been the driving force behind our success and we are extremely proud of them.

Cheers to us on this special occasion—Happy Birthday Impact!

In conversation with Isabel: Associate Recruiter

What does a day in the life of an associate recruiter look like?

First things first, I need my caffeine hit to hit the ground running in our fast-paced environment. An oat latte made by the fab WeWork barista, Errol, does the trick. Then, the Creative & Marketing team meet every morning to go over the roles we have on, discuss candidates, and determine the goals for the day ahead. My colleague Ferhan on the Creative desk, and Mark from Marketing, will suggest roles to work on and then vroom! Off I go headhunting, registering candidates and working with the wider team to make placements.

Describe the work culture and environment at Impact

“Could it be any nicer an environment?” – Chandler Bing.

But for real, Impact is one of the best places I have worked in relation to the support and encouragement from all staff (is there a cooler word for staff? Shall we say Unicorns? They’re all magical). Everyone wants everyone to do well and make placements, and when we do we celebrate. It is a culture that is rewarding and encourages you to succeed.

Tell us about your best experience so far working with Impact

I made a placement for an incredible graphic/UI designer with one of our gaming clients. Delivering the news that he had booked the job was a feeling like no other!

Where’s your favourite lunch spot?

Easy. Falafel wrap down the road. If I’m feeling spicy I’ll chuck a bit of halloumi into the mix. Delish.

Desert Island Discs! What three records and one book can you not live without?

Purpose by Justin Bieber (obviously), Any record ever by Charli XCX, MOTOMAMI by Rosalia. In terms of books, I revisit Fine on Acting by Howard Fine time and time again. A must-read for any theatre or film-maker!

Share your number one tip you tell your candidates to help them get their next role!

Let your personality and creativity shine through. We want you to succeed, the client wants you to succeed – we are all rooting for you!


If you’re looking for a new role across creative or marketing, send your CV to Isabel today!

Welcome Daniel!

We welcome Daniel to the team, who will be enhancing Impact’s offering across the D&I spectrum and will be placing specialist ED&I roles, recruiting more diverse candidates into generalist roles and much more! With a strong career history in recruitment, we are delighted to have him on our team.

Tell us about yourself!

I’m a Nigerian-born Refugee with a Recruitment background in Higher Education, Professional and Financial Services. Throughout my career, I’ve been passionate about ED&I and mental health awareness and have worked with organisations and charities on various projects and campaigns. Outside my 9-5, I enjoy volunteering, singing, spending time with friends, at the gym or cooking some Nigerian jollof rice.

Why did you choose Impact?

This was a slightly difficult one for me as I had a few other offers on the table. However, the opportunity from Impact felt like The One given my passion for ED&I and interest in the media and creative industry.  I also had a very positive experience and vibe during the interview process and had the opportunity to learn about their long-term commitment to ED&I.

How has your first week gone?

Amazing! Everyone on the team has been super nice and supportive. I’ve learnt more about our media and creative clients and network and the background music in the office creates a fun vibe. Love it here!

What is your remit at Impact?

I will be enhancing Impact’s offering across the D&I spectrum and will be placing specialist ED&I roles, recruiting more diverse candidates into generalist roles and hosting and co-hosting HR/EDI roundtable discussions and events with their high-profile Media and Creative Clients and Network.

What type of Impact’ do you hope to make?

To engage and raise awareness on ED&I issues as well as support our clients to diversify their workforce by placing ED&I roles and recruiting more diverse candidates into generalist positions. Also looking forward to organising and hosting as many ED&I events throughout the year.


Follow our LinkedIn for the latest roles, and if you are thinking of your next career move drop Daniel a message directly via

How To Ace Your Next Interview

Interviews can be nerve-wracking, but we want to show you some of our tips for making the smooth ride into your next position! Whether your interview is face-to-face or over a zoom meeting we look at our top tips from our team for acing your next interview for that dream job!


Prepare and Research

Research, research, research! Knowing all about the client, who they are, what they do and what they’ve done, is vital to any interview and shows real interest and passion for the company. The simplest way to start your preparations is using LinkedIn, checking in on their socials and analysing the job description. Because preparation is KEY to nailing that interview!

Bonus points if you know the interviewer beforehand and do some research on them as well.

First Impressions

First Impressions are key with any interviewer. When you get out of the lift or are met at the reception, stand tall, look warm, confident and smile! If you walk to a meeting room, engage in conversation on the way – ‘How’s your day been so far?’ or ‘Great offices!’. This will alleviate any nerves and gets the conversation going before the interview takes place. If your interviewer has decided even before you’ve sat down that he or she likes you, then you’ve already won half the battle!

Be familiar with your background

Our work history can be a long-winding road, so much so that it’s easy to forget what we’ve done. Go back over your CV multiple times! Talk yourself through everything you did, the processes you undertook to complete tasks and all projects you were part of.

Knowing your CV inside and out will able you to talk through your CV confidently, and don’t forget to have details on why you’ve moved from one job to another, explaining your journey.

Practice and prepare interview questions

Prepare for competency-based questions. Everyone dreads these questions but they’re a necessary evil. How to ace them? Go back over the job spec, alongside your CV, and pick out your most relevant examples to give. For the awful “biggest weakness?” question, choose a previous skill you have since developed and why you’re now better for it and turn it around into a strength!

Always have questions to ask at the end. These questions should always be about the company and careers path you could take there. Try to avoid asking about socials or time off, this will raise concerns to your interviewer. You can prepare questions, but you can also ask during the interview as it shows you are engaged. If you would feel more confident with your questions written down then be sure to bring your notebook, however, memorising them is even better!

Use the STARR technique

A well-known technique which helps you to structure your answer better and it enables you to cover all the key points needed in an answer. Using this strategy is particularly helpful in response to competency-focused questions.

Situation – What you were facing

Task – What you had to do

Action – How you approached it

Result – The outcome

Reflection – What you learned


Be Passionate

If you think it’s gone well, don’t be afraid to tell the interviewer that you want the job! It’s also important to talk about your interests outside of work. It’s not all about your employment history, companies want to get to know the real you so talk about your hobbies and show your personality!

Always be positive! Don’t say anything negative about any aspect of your previous roles. If any of your previous roles didn’t end well, you better have a good and truthful story which you need to prepare for so you aren’t caught short.


Now you are prepared for acing an interview, it’s time to send one of our team your CV and we will begin matching you with your next big career move! If you are looking for some more tips on preparing for a new role, follow our simple CV updating tips!

What Are The Advantages of Temporary Employment?

Taking a temporary job lets you try new things without the long-term commitment a regular, full-time job requires. You are in control of your career, so here are just some of the benefits of stepping into temporary roles.


Temporary Roles Offer Flexibility

One of the most beneficial factors of temporary work is that it can allow you to have a flexible schedule. You aren’t tied to a permanent position, making it great for students, and easier to move on should another opportunity arise.


Discover New Careers

Temping across multiple positions allows you to try out a variety of industries, from Architectural firms to TV Production, the possibilities are endless! Temping can give you a taste of many different industries and work situations, and you can find what is the best fit for you before you commit to long-term permanent work.


Build a Professional Network

Temporary work can help build a variety of contacts across multiple companies. When looking at a permanent role, the right role maybe with a previous organisation you’ve temped for. This could be a huge benefit for your application, as having an internal contact, or external connected contact makes for quick internal referencing.


Candidate, Victoria Watts

I have been temping with Impact on and off for the last three years while I complete my degree, and have always felt so looked after by the girls on the team! They work hard to place me in assignments that suit me, and they keep me up to date with anything that comes in that they think I might be interested in and suitable for. Once placed, the team stay in contact to make sure I’m happy and that everything is going ok, and they are always available for support if needed. They have been super flexible and accommodating with my needs as a temp and made the whole experience an absolute pleasure!


Candidate, Foaillean Cunningham

Temping for impact has been an absolute game-changer. The team are incredibly enthusiastic and supportive and does their absolute best efforts to find work that matches your personal circumstances and preference.


candidate, Mark Brakspear

I have never worked with a better agency than Impact. Temping can be stressful as you are constantly going into the unknown, but Impact has such a great reputation with their clients, you are always set up for amazing experiences.


Not only does it provide the flexibility to try something new and meet potential business contacts, but it could be the next step to lead you to your dream role in the future. So are you thinking of temp work? Our candidate testimonies show we’re one of the best for getting the roles that work for you, so send us your CV today!

Why Go Into a Career in Recruitment?

The recruitment industry has never been busier than it is at the moment, with its fair share of competitive offers and fast-moving interview processes, plus a huge number of opportunities available – so why should you consider starting a career in recruitment?

1) Autonomy 

Simply put, you are in control of your own success. It’s cheesy, but it’s true – what you put in, you get out! If you’re focused and you’re able to keep going after a bad day or a difficult meeting, you can achieve your personal goals as well as your professional ones. 

2) People 

It’s no secret that recruitment involves speaking to a wide array of people, but it’s not all about cold calling! You can have great conversations via a range of mediums these days – whether that’s Microsoft Teams, LinkedIn or in person, a career in recruitment gives you the opportunity to meet interesting people from a variety of industry backgrounds.

Not only this but many professional relationships and even friendships are built between recruiters and their candidates, so you have the opportunity to truly broaden your network. 

3) Progression

Recruitment is all about attitude and determination, and both of these things are recognised and rewarded in the recruitment industry.

If you’re looking to build your career quickly and you have your sights set high, recruitment is the perfect industry to do this, as you can really shoot for the stars from day one. 

4) Earning potential

Recruitment is one of the most lucrative careers out there, with the average earning potential standing at around £45K OTE in your first year.

As you climb the ladder and continue to grow your network and experience, this number can exceed £100K OTE, which is great if you have long-term goals you’re trying to achieve (eg, buying your first house!). 

5) Helping to make a difference

Last but by no means least, recruitment is a great way to help people! There are few things more stressful than searching for a new job and going through subsequent interview processes, but as a recruiter, you have the opportunity to help people through the process.

From CV tips to interview preparation, right through to offer negotiation, a recruiter’s job is to work on behalf of their candidates and clients to ensure that both sides are perfectly matched.


If you’re looking for a new role in recruitment, we are looking for an experienced and highly successful  Temp Office Support Recruitment Consultant to join Impact, so apply now!

5 Benefits of Making Your Office Dog Friendly

During the pandemic many of us had a four-legged companion to sit alongside us whilst we worked from home. But can this be replicated in a workplace environment? We look at the 5 benefits of making a dog-friendly office.

Now there’s nothing quite like a day in the office when your commute was delay-free, you have time to grab a coffee from your favourite spot and you nab the comfiest office chair because you’re on time (for once). Wondering what more could you want from a morning in the office? The answer is a dog!

It’s not just the owner that gets to benefit from having a four-legged friend around, a dog-friendly attitude in the workplace can benefit your whole team. Here are 5 reasons why!

1 Boost Morale

Here at Impact, we’re lucky to be dog friendly, and our team love it. Pets make us happy, and we seem to make them happy too. Allowing pets into the workspace can increase a healthy work environment. It can bring teams together by talking to other employees you might not usually work alongside or cheering you up if you’ve had a bad day in the office!

2 Reduce Stress

It’s proven that pets can reduce stress and increase oxytocin levels when we interact with them. This benefit means that employees can stay calm and relaxed in a busy work environment and become more capable of reaching those pesky deadlines.

3 Increase Employee Wellbeing

Having a dog in a workplace helps to increase staff morale and wellbeing. Not only this but they can often help defuse disagreements and improve collaboration and work relationships through the need for lots of ‘good boy’ belly rubs. Studies show that employers that take on a dog-friendly working environment have happy and long-standing employees.

4 Drive Recruitment Competitiveness

Once upon a time dog-friendly offices were just a rare work perk, now it’s become an essential part of the criteria for job hunters. Not only this but utilising this perk and sharing pictures of the office pup on your social media will show that your company demonstrates a positive work environment and inviting office culture. A key factor for job seekers!

5 Help Improve Productivity

Now, this point may seem a little far-fetched (no pun intended), but studies have shown that taking short breaks throughout the day, especially with a computer-facing job, can help employees regain focus, boost energy and combat that well-known mid-afternoon slump! May this be with a walk in the park during lunch, a quick belly rub or company whilst making an afternoon cuppa in the office kitchen.


Now we know this isn’t for everyone, and there may be some obstacles in the way. So be sure to read our office hosts WeWork’s tips for owners to make sure their pup is the pawfect addition.

Mock Interview: Partnership with Pimlico Academy

As part of Impact Recruitment Agency successful social impact and ongoing partnership with London schools, we recently teamed up with Pimlico Academy.

We all know leaving school and heading into the world of work can be daunting for young adults! Thanks to WeWork, we were able to host a series of mock interviews for 20 promising Year 11 students from Pimlico Academy school in South West London with our knowledgeable recruitment team.

Hosted in the incredible WeWork Old Street space, the Impact team set up a series of mock interviews with the students. Our goal? To help the young students understand the concept of an interview process, and to help them navigate the world of the workplace!

The group of fantastic well put together young professionals were ready to take on the working world. Armed with their polished CVs, and engaging conversations the students were ready to discover more about the interviewing process!

Not only did the group of students conduct themselves in a professional manner throughout. It was also a fantastic opportunity for Impact to provide support and guidance and to have the privilege to be a part of the early stages of their professional development. We see amazing things for these students on the horizon and thank them for their feedback on their learning experience with the Impact team.

We’d also like to thank WeWork for their support in providing us with 2 meeting rooms and for making the students feel welcome on their visit, we couldn’t do it without you!

If you would like to read more on Impact Agency social impact, click here.

Kyran – Our Newest Promotion!

We are thrilled to announce our latest in-house promotion here at Impact creative recruitment agency. The wonderful Kyran has now been promoted from associate to creative consultant!

Here at Impact Agency, it’s important to recognise achievements and no one deserves a promotion more than Kyran! He specialises in product and creative roles, and has quickly transitioned into a key member of the Impact team.

With a trained eye for design and creativity he specialises in Creative, production and Design roles, ranging across digital design to graphics, motion, video production and more.

Congrats Kyran, we can’t wait to see you excel as the new Impact recruitment creative consultant!

Looking for a creative role? Check out our latest opportunities now, and follow us on Instagram for more staff insights!

Erica – Our Latest Promotion!

We are delighted to announce Erica’s promotion to Consultant in our Permanent Support Division.

It’s important to recognise achievements within Impact and no one deserves it more than Erica. She transitioned from events management into Recruitment, making her mark instantly and her progress has been remarkable!

Erica has an excellent work ethic; natural relationship-building skills and a willingness to learn and develop.

She’s also contributed to Impact’s culture and is a hugely popular member of the team.

Erica’s remit will focus in supporting Michelle in the continued success of Impact’s permanent support division during a very busy period!

Congrats Erica, we are proud of you and are looking forward to you being a star consultant!

Unclear about Data Protection?

Unclear about Data Protection? Impact and Stone King have you covered!

Having just got comfortable (ish) with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), now that the UK has left the EU, a new “UK version” of the GDPR is on the way.

So, potentially, organisations will need to understand not one but two versions of the GDPR; the UK GDPR and the EU GDPR.

Impact are delighted to partner with Paula Williamson, Partner & Head of Information Law at Stone King LLP who will lead our discussion and answer your questions on all things data protection.

Understand the key changes to UK data protection law as a result of Brexit and whether we are in for a rough ride or plain sailing.

We will cover data breaches; how to recognise one, how to handle them and how to prevent them.

You’ll also have the opportunity to share your top data protection queries and our legal partner will tackle them in our Q&A Session.

This breakfast event will be held on Thursday 23rd April at 08.30 – 10.00am.  Register your interest at