The Five Pillars

Our Social Impact Team are contributors from right across our agency. They have developed a series of initiatives that utilise our expertise and sense of purpose within the wider community. We advise the industry on inclusivity and diversity and have achieved recognition through winning a prestigious Heart of the City Dragon Award.


Diversity and Inclusivity in the media Industry

We have long recognised that our own and our clients businesses should better reflect the communities in which we operate – in terms of socio-economic disadvantage and BAME communities. We have made a huge commitment over the last 5 years and our project ‘Future Proofing Talent through Diversity’ is award winning. We passionately drive awareness of roles within the creative industries to a disadvantaged and diverse young demographic through our partnerships with charities, schools and leading community organisations.

Our community work aids in increasing the number of these young people applying for creative and media roles. As true advocates of change, we have spoken to many clients of the importance in attracting candidates from diverse and disadvantaged backgrounds and we consult with many on these topics. We’ve spearheaded events, school workshops, internships and one of our Founders delivered a brilliant speech in Parliament!


Employee Involvement and Fundraising

Our ‘Community Programme’ benefits charities and community groups, as well as promoting a sense of achievement and positive team building. All prospective employees are advised of our ethics and policies at interview stage and we encourage all staff to get involved in our CSR commitments. As part of individual development, employees pledge commitment to a minimum of 2 days charity work per year to our programme.



We appreciate the pressures of juggling life and work and ensure all of our team are looked after within a supportive and fun environment
We offer flexible working hours to everyone and when required, remote working. We have mental wellbeing champions and run regular tea and talk discussions. We have fitness clubs, sports days, healthy eating initiatives, occasional massage therapists, flexible benefits plus many other fun initiatives happening throughout the year.



We recognise that our business has an impact on the environment and work hard to minimise our carbon footprint. We have meat-free Mondays, we recycle all possible waste, encourage the minimum use of plastics, and use local suppliers where possible (our IT and Phone companies are within 200 yards!). We have supplied our team with reusable coffee cups and hessian bags, and all electrical equipment is highly efficient.

We have been environmentally audited and were commended for our efforts by Islington Council. Furthermore, Impact is now an official partner of Rainforest Trust UK's Conservation Circle. Impact will make a monthly donation on behalf of each staff member when they join the company and organise fundraisers throughout the year to support the organisation's efforts in preserving rainforests and protecting biodiversity.



Impact has long been committed to using our privileged position as a force for good and we dedicate a huge amount of time and effort to helping those less fortunate than us. We also take time to advise all our stakeholders towards ethical business practices.
In 2019 we were accredited as a London Living Wage employer which means that every member of staff and our temps will earn a real Living Wage, plus we insist that all our 3rd party contracted staff are paid above the Living Wage too.



Impact has two main charity partners, Inspire! and ReachOut. They are both Hackney-based charities with strong links to schools with many diverse and disadvantaged pupils. We also have an education partnership with Pimlico Academy. We have signed the Race Charter and are an accredited London Living Wage employer. Impact is ranked 6th in the GivX top 10 for the amount of charity work we undertake. We were awarded the Lord Mayor's Dragon Award for 2017 for our project 'Future Proofing Talent Through Diversity'.